Friday, October 9, 2020

Week 6: Eight Values of Free Expression

Promote Innovation

    Free speech is important for different subjects including diversity, expression, and creationism. The Promote Innovation theory allows for citizens to express their opinions and emotions through art easily. There are many countries where if you take an opposing stance on official matters, your art can be destroyed and you could be thrown in jail. Promoting innovation also allows for businesses to thrive. Private businesses have their own form of creation where they offer goods and/or services to encourage citizens to keep a stable economy. Both of these forms of Promote Innovation allow for citizens to create a happier society. 

    Art is the best way to allow individuals to express themselves in various matters with various opinions. Art is an expressive medium that allows the artist to relax while living in a heavily political society. In photography, photos taken during rally's, riots, and protests are taken to show a citizen's want for change while also having historical evidence of the events that have happened. If American didn't have protected speech, then a lot of artists would be arrested for controversial works. Ai Weiwei, a Chinese artist, had a set of photos of a man dropping a Han Dynasty Urn. These sets of photos being taken lead to his arrest as the urn is a significantly symbolic object to the Chinese people. If this set of photos was created in the US, it would just be promoting art and its political stances. 

Business is another way to allow citizens to creatively fulfill themselves as members of society. Free speech allows business owners to take any stance they want to on political topics. For example, if a business wants to sell BLM pins they can, or if a business wants to sell Anti-BLM pins they also can. 

Both art and business play important roles in free speech for American citizens. Different people's art can also be turned into a business. You can be a political artist and sell accessories that lean to a certain political side. In a very political climate, like during voting season, it can be beneficial to artists who want to profit off of bumper stickers and pins. Looking back on the 2016 election, I saw many people and knew many people who had Bernie 2016 bumper stickers on their cars. Being an entrepreneur and an artist in a free speech nation can be very profitable depending on the political climate. 

Link to more on Ai Weiwei's Urn photograph:

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