Thursday, October 8, 2020

Week 4: Civil War & Reconstruction


Link to story:

This story tells the reader that the company Fred Meyer does not want their employees wearing BLM movement pins/masks.

This new rule that Fred Meyer put into place for their employees goes against their freedom of speech and can also be applied to freedom of assembly.

This goes against freedom of speech because in America you are allowed to voice your opinions on any issues happening within the world. Wearing a pin that says BLM on it means that the wearing is in support of change due to many corrupt and violent acts that have happened to people of color. Wearing accessories that say BLM on them do not change the way an employee works, therefore there should be no issue with employees wearing such items. 

This can also kinda be applied to freedom of assembly. The BLM movement happens throughout many protests in order for the American public to get change to happen in the government. Wearing BLM pins means that people support the need for change and support the protests taking place in order to receive that change. 

On the other hand, Fred Meyer is a private company not owned by the government. Therefore private companies can basically make any rules they want. For example, if they didn't want their employees wearing pins with BLM on them, the smarter thing to do would've been to ban pins from being worn during work hours, since it is not a part of the work uniform. Otherwise, I just think Fred Meyer is being ridiculous with this rule as it doesn't affect an employees work ethic. 

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